The Happiness Catalyst is a free, collaboratively written e-book by 10 authors based on Twitter who have united in their passions for writing to inspire men and women to “branch out” into their local communities and connect with people in genuine ways.

The Happiness Catalyst hopes to be a spark of new and renewed personal connections and communal growth in an increasingly isolated world.

Download The Happiness Catalyst (1st Ed., Version 1.02) right now! (Right-Click the link and select Save Link As to download the e-book directly to your computer) For more details on the background of this free, unique and inspiring e-book, read on below!

The Happiness Catalyst

“The lack of social contact, the lack of sense of community, may be the most pressing social problem of the new millennium.” ~Robin Dunbar, famed British anthropologist

One of the single gravest social problems facing modern civilization is the rapid and continued loss of our collective sense of community, of social connectedness, and of interpersonal relationships. Despite its severity, humanity’s social disconnect goes largely unnoticed.

Argued widely by leading psychologists, anthropologists and sociologists, and increasingly supported by modern scientific studies, the erosion of communal connectedness in our cities, towns and neighborhoods is feared to be the plausible downfall of human happiness, itself. We are becoming more and more isolated. We know fewer and fewer of our neighbors. A walk in our local town or city might as well be in a foreign one located on the other side of the Earth. Perhaps it would be nice if it wasn’t this way… but, is it a real problem?

The scourge of communal disconnect actually shorten lives, leads to increases in crime and spurs on the likes of anxiety, depression and suicide. Indeed, having a wide social network of friends and family and a genuine feeling of connectedness to social groups, organizations and local communities actually extends life expectancy and gives way to happier, fulfilling lives. Social isolation — the mere feeling of being disconnected from others — causes higher frequency of illness, mental issues, sadness, and early death.

Our society at large is losing its collective sense of community. On a large scale, the repercussions could be cataclysmic.

And so, what can be done to inspire men and women to “branch out” more, to reconnect with their local communities, to smile at a stranger, to spark new interpersonal connections with all of the people around us? What can be done to reverse this dangerous social trend?

Download The Happiness Catalyst (1st Ed., Version 1.02) right now!

Enter: The Happiness Catalyst

The Happiness Catalyst is an ambitious undertaking that hopes to spark new and renewed happiness in communities across the world. A collaborated work by ten authors (nine of whom have only met through the Twitter social network), The Happiness Catalyst is a unique and inspiring collection of beautiful stories and powerful essays that will reach out to readers from all walks of life.

Thanks to the power of social networks like Twitter, these ten authors are utilizing their talents and passions as writers and mobilizing their Internet-based social contacts for a higher-cause: creating a catalyst to counteract an increasingly isolated society. This unique, completely free and gorgeously designed e-book hopes to encourage readers to “branch out” into their communities, befriend new people, revitalize their connections with others, and to spark genuine community building.

Download The Happiness Catalyst (1st Ed., Version 1.02) right now!

10 Writers. 12 Stories. 1 Mission.

The Happiness Catalyst consists of 12 unique chapters, spanning true story accounts of community uniting in the wake of devastating natural disasters; short stories on romantic love and communal spirituality; essays on taking responsibility for our lives, becoming an “everyday” leader, understanding the place of the Individual in an interconnected society; and much more.

The free e-book is 88 beautifully designed, full color pages. More than a collection of essays, The Happiness Catalyst ties each of the book’s three distinct parts together with a “reflections” workbook page, narrated by creator and editor Dave Ursillo. Tying the loose ends, the reader is invited to reflect and record his or her reactions — turning The Happiness Catalyst into a full-functioning workbook that will truly inspire people to “branch out” and reconnect with their local communities.

Click here to download The Happiness Catalyst (First Edition, Version 1.02) right now! Right-Click the link and select Save Link As to download the e-book directly to your computer, or click the link to open the PDF file and save it from Adobe Reader to your computer’s hard drive.