In my final post in a series examining 2010 and delving into goals and strategy for 2011, I wanted to share with you my intended focus and aims in the New Year, as well as a series of wishes for me, you, and us all together here on

Resolution: To live more deliberately, intently.

Theme: To align “vision” with plans of action, deliberate courses and missions; setting more numerous and greater goals to strive for and ultimately attain.

Focus: To find direction by looking forward rather than only using hindsight to look back and realize the path that has been tread.

Purpose: To elevate my blog, my writing, my life and life-philosophy to higher levels of purpose and achievement — both for myself, individually; and my readers/everyone in my life.

Outcomes: By the end of 2011, I will be part of a new wave of “A-List Personal Development Bloggers” on the international and online scene, while leveraging my first contract for a nonfiction book alongside a talented and slightly “renegade” literary agent :)

Personal Goals for 2011

  • Write 5,000 words/week in personal journals, notebooks, e-books, works in progress, and on
  • Post at least 2 quality blog posts/week on – between 110 and 120 total in 2011
  • Travel to and explore at least 3 new “far-away” locations, and a fourth international destination
  • Refine my lifestyle to include even healthier living, including regularly practicing yoga and exploring tai chi
  • Explore new ideas and philosophies in reading many new books by new authors for at least 7 hours/week
  • Launch at least 6-10 products (e-books, apparel, e-seminars, etc.) in 2011 to create total financial independence in 2011
  • Break out of my shell to meet more new people – every day
  • Begin regularly speaking to a variety of audiences – one per month or 12 total in 2011

Wishes for 2011 (for Me, You, and Us Together)

  1. I want you to see that convention serves purpose, but that those purposes are not always noble.
  2. I want you to try something different, and often.
  3. I want you to be love, no matter the anger you feel.
  4. I want you to be forgiveness, no matter how hardened your soul.
  5. I want you to live compassionately, no matter how closed off and fearful it seems.
  6. I want to strive to better understand what can’t ever be fully understood.
  7. I want to better understand what some part of me understands, but my consciousness can’t yet fully grasp.
  8. I want to help others rethink the ordinary in extraordinary ways.
  9. I want to inspire people to question what is and what is not.
  10. I want others to wonder incessantly, to dream without end, to pursue without reason and strive just because they can.
  11. I want you to want more, not because we are greedy, but because we each deserve better.
  12. I want us all to recognize that Love is a language.
  13. I want humanity to live better among one another.
  14. I want people living in cities to smile at each other on the street, and not to live in fear.
  15. I want young men and women in impoverished communities to reach deep within themselves to find their true identity, and not look outside of themselves for a false sense of belonging and empowerment.
  16. I want you to be you.
  17. I want you to be a quiet leader.
  18. I want you to live knowing there are more heroes among us than villains.
  19. I want ripples of goodness and positivity to shake your core, and like a bell, to vibrate and ring that same goodness again through others.
  20. Some day soon, I want you to be able to do and feel and be all of these things without having to read my writing, or anyone else’s.
  21. I want you to explore the workings of your mind, both conscious and subconscious.
  22. I want you to recognize that there is always Choice, no matter the circumstances.
  23. I want you to feel what Is when you close your eyes and open your heart to the universe.
  24. I want to drill into you that your uniqueness is a masterpiece and a gift.
  25. I want you to know that imperfection is beauty, and that incompleteness is whole, all the same.
  26. I want to pretend to be a rockstar and wear gaudy, cheap sunglasses. Regularly. Because it is very, very fun.
  27. I want you to laugh, especially at yourself, not because you’re a joke but because not being able to take one is lame.
  28. I want you to call yourself a renegade, and because you believe in yourself, and deny the cynicism and pessimism of our society.
  29. I want you to live life boldly, proudly, and brazenly.
  30. I want you to take risks, no matter how small.
  31. I want you to help restore our country to strength, peace and hope.
  32. I want you to help our species restore its collective faith in ourselves.

Flickr photo by: Stuck in Customs